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  • Writer's pictureGiStrong

RI Lawmakers Send Sepsis Treatment Bill to McKee’s Desk

After 4 long years of hard work, we have hit a great milestone in our battle against sepsis!

We are not done yet, we still have some hurdles with the State and the Department of Health. We are confident we will get there, and we will be able to be proud of RI for doing absolutely everything possible to stop sepsis deaths.

So many people to thank for helping us, believing in us, and supporting us, namely Gianna's doctor Lee Polikoff, Orlaith Staunton and Ciaran Staunton of the Staunton Foundation in NY, our State Representatives, Senators and their staff.

Heartfelt thanks to the other families who have faced sepsis and continue to help and support our efforts; Alaina and BJ Charette, Michaela Halloran, and Courtney Dewar. We are so grateful to be able to support each other through this.

And of course we are beyond thankful for all of the community support for The Gianna Cirella Memorial Fund. Hitting this milestone, enables us to be even more empowered to continue our work and keep pushing forward.

To see the full news article and video click here.

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